Posts tagged B12 Injections
B12 Injections, they’re not just for Vegans anymore...
End fatigue with B12 shots

My initiation into the world of B12 deficiency came at a blood drive in Olympia WA. With visions of altruism dancing in our vegan heads, my college roommates and I attempted to give blood, I say attempt, because of the four of us, only one actually succeeded in donating as the rest of us either passed out or were deemed too anemic to be bothered with. What they received in blood donations was likely negated by our consumption of free cookies and orange juice, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Anyway, This experience highlighted for me the importance of B12, not only for those on a plant-based diet, but for those of us with common digestive or autoimmune issues that can hamper absorption.

Who’s at risk and who can benefit: 

  • Vegans and vegetarians, as meat and dairy are the only sourcesFolks with low stomach acidity, which could be anyone, see my post on Acid Reflux

  • Those with Autoimmune disorders like crohn’s, celiac, thyroid issues, gastritis, diabetes.

  • Those who suffer from anemia and lack of intrinsic factor..

  • Athletes, folks over 40, pregnant or postpartum mothers, or just about anyone who's feeling a little run down.

Symptoms of B12 Deficiency 

  • Weakness and Fatigue: lack of B 12 = lack of red blood cells which leads to inability to efficiently transport oxygen to the body’s cells which leads to fatigue and a lack of stamina.

  • Paleness and Jaundice: B12 deficiencies can lead to megaloblastic anemia which prevents rbc’s from properly circulating.

  • Pins and Needles sensation: Nerve damage is one of the more serious side of deficiency as B12 is essential for myelin production.

  • Lack of balance

  • Mouth sores and ulcers

  • Shortness of breath and dizziness: due to decreased circulation of RBC’s.

  • Disturbed Vision: B12 deficiency can cause nervousness system damage to the optic nerve.

  • Mood swings: Low B12 levels can elevate homeocysteine levels which can damage brain tissue and interfere with signals.

    Why Inject when I can take a pill? 

    Because many B12 deficiencies are due to underlying digestive issues, injections negate your bogged down digestion and deliver vitamins directly to your blood stream. I use a Methylated form of B12 to ensure immediate assimilation and results.

    B12 Add Ons:

  • Wellness shot: when combined with the ani-viral homeopathic Engystol, this magical elixir can act as a cold, flu and virus bashing alternative to the flu shot. Tis the season to boost the immune system!

  • Lipotropic Injections: Help with weight loss by speeding up fat metabolism. A lovely way to Enhance and compliment your diet and exercise plan.

Learn More and schedule your shot today!

Therapeutic Injections, A Painless Way To Get There Faster

Injections, painless? You’re kidding, right?

It’s no wonder so many of us share a deep seated fear of needles, have you ever accompanied a child to a vaccination appointment?  I nearly fell out of my chair when I watched the nurse violently jab my daughter with a giant needle for the first time. I get it that kids are fidgety little creatures and that attempting to inject them with a full dose of anything is akin to giving your cat a bath on the impossible scale, but geez!  

Despite experiences, injections don’t have to hurt.

There is no jabbing at Durango Acupuncture Clinic, I use the tiniest needles I can get my hands on so that I can deliver an injection that is as smooth, slow and gentle as possible.  In fact, the most common comment I get after delivering a Traumeel injection is “was that it?” I’ve treated enough nurses to learn that they lovingly nickname the room where they give steroid injections, “the pain room”, i’m happy to say that there are absolutely no such rooms at this Clinic.  

How Therapeutic Injections can get you there faster

Injections skip the cumbersome and slow digestive process and deliver supplements more directly to the bloodstream where its benefits can have an intensified and more immediate effect.  Intramuscular injections are absorbed as much as 90% better than vitamins and minerals taken orally. Which is why I’m excited to offer an array of therapeutic injections in my practice.

A little something for everyone:

  • Acute Pain: Homeopathic Traumeel, which is excellent for more acute muscle sprains and strains as well as sports injuries and as an alternative to cortisol injections.

  • Chronic Pain: Homeopathic Zeel, spascupreel and neuralgo-rheum are perfect for arthritis, muscle spasms or nerve pain.

  • Immune System: Homeopathic Engystol combined with b-vitamins are your natural answer to the flu shot.

  • Fatigue: B12 as Methylcobalamin is the most easily assimilated form of B12 and is more effective when delivered intramuscularly than sublingually.

  • Weight Loss: Lipostat, A unique blend of vitamins designed to help your liver break down and digest fats to enhance your diet and exercise efforts.