Acupuncture and IVF; A Match Made in Fertility Heaven

Chances are high that you or someone you know has undergone some sort of medical intervention in order to get pregnant.  According to the CDC, roughly 1 in 5 women are unable to fall pregnant after one year of trying, and of these cases, nearly half have shown male infertility to be a contributing factor. Over the years I’ve noticed a steep incline in the number of patients I see who are enhancing their ART (assisted reproductive technology) procedures with Acupuncture as prescribed by their doctors. Recent studies have shown Acupuncture to improve in vitro fertilization (IVF) success rates by 42%, prompting many fertility clinics to feature in-house acupuncturists and strongly encourage their patients to receive Acupuncture throughout the various stages of their IVF experience.  This upsurge of IVF patients in my practice has inspired me to take various courses and undergo my own research into the world of this unlikely friendship of advanced and cutting edge Western technology with ancient Chinese energy medicine.  The data is fascinating and It’s been an adventure to assist my patients as they go through the many stages and emotional peaks and valleys of the ever changing landscape of ART.  An endeavor that is not for the faint of heart, my IVF patients are some of the most dedicated, resilient and tough women I see and It’s an honor to be included in their journeys from retrieval to post-partum and all the bumps along the way. If you or someone you know has endeavored on an ART journey for fertility you know exactly what I’m talking about, it takes a lot of heart, hormones, needle jabs and perseverance and I’m grateful for the opportunity to help with the merging of these two very different yet complementary and incredible medicines.

The physiological effects of Acupuncture on the reproductive system as backed by scientific studies!

  1. Acupuncture communicates with the central nervous system; Acupuncture has an effect on the HPO and HPA axis, meaning that it can modulate the release of gonadotropins and luteinizing hormone to alter reproductive organ and hormone levels. Which is a complicated way of saying that it positively influences fertility and while supporting healthy pregnancy. Electric stimulation in particular has been shown to stimulate the release of sexy hormones and opioids like serotonin, oxytocin, and neuropeptides, all of which harmonize the reproductive system. 

  2. Acupuncture affects blood flow to the uterus and ovaries:  Studies show Acupuncture to lower pulsatory index (PI) to increase circulation and blood flow to the uterus resulting in thickening of the endometrial lining so vital for embryo implantation. A certain protocol involving electrically stimulated needles at specific locations has been proven to be especially beneficial for encouraging blood flow and endometrial thickening prior to embryonic transfer. 

  3. Reduces stress:  Let’s face it, being poked and prodded while voluntarily exposing yourself to a myriad of hormones over several months can be incredibly stressful, fortunately, Acupuncture can help. Acupuncture inhibits the sympathetic nervous system which in-turn activates the reproductive stimulating effects of the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in reduction of stress, cortisol and prolactin levels.  

  4. Regulates hormones: Due to Acupuncture’s communication with HPO and HPA axis levels, treatments can have a direct effect on hormones.  The regulating effect of Acupuncture on these axises can result in menstrual cycle regulation, increased Oocyte quality, ovulation, and endometrial lining generation.

When to get Acupuncture to enhance fertility 

  • If possible, it’s best to begin treatments as much as three months prior to egg retrieval, beginning with once weekly treatments and building up to twice weekly in the weeks leading up to retrieval.  This is also a great time for us to enhance follicle development and quality with certain supplements and Chinese herbal formulas.

  • For those undergoing frozen embryo transfer (FET) it’s common to undergo more than one retrieval. Acupuncture can be a great way to help you recover from any medication side effects while also helping to reduce stress and help ensure a good follicle count.  

  • In the months or weeks leading up to transfer, Acupuncture is essential for maintaining a relaxed nervous system as stress reduction is especially helpful for IVF success.

  • In the month prior to transfer once weekly treatments are recommended to help stimulate uterine blood flow for a healthy endometrium lining for implantation.  Day-of before and after transfer acupuncture is also recommended, if you can find a practitioner able to treat you directly after transfer in the recovery room.

  • Treatments can be resumed 10 days after treatment, weekly for the first trimester and bi-monthly for the duration of your pregnancy. 

What's in this Shot and Why is it Making Me Feel So Well?

You know that feeling you get when you’ve recently been near your friend’s snot covered toddler or your co-worker with the hacking cough or that lady in line at the coffee shop who couldn’t stop sneezing and now you’ve got that tickle in the back of your sinuses and you’re fairly certain that you’ve picked up the flu or a cold or the freaking delta variant and should probably start downing every antibacterial herb you have stashed away in your cabinet before it’s too late? Well my friends, that’s the perfect time to send me a text and come in for a quick and painless Wellness shot.

What is a Wellness Shot you ask?

Well, a Wellness Shot is an intramuscularly injected homeopathic and vitamin elixer designed to jazzersize your immune system. It’s key ingredient Homeopathic Engystol has proved itself in numerous scientific studies by increasing white blood cell (your body’s defense mechanism) counts by 41%! Beyond that, when combined with B12 these mighty little injections have been shown to reduce severity and duration of acute infections while also guarding you from contracting infections in the future.

Why is it worth getting one?

  • They may reduce cold and flu symptoms: so long sore throat, sneezing, sinus congestion and chills

  • Clinically and scientifically proven effective in the prevention of viruses like: influenza, herpes simplex 1, Rhinovirus and RSV.

  • May reduce viral infection duration.

  • Safe for children, elderly and adults.

  • Zero side effects, but may make you feel exceedingly awesome.

Do Wellness Shots Hurt?

I use the tiniest of needles resulting in injections that are totally painless to most. In fact, after two days of pleading with my incredibly needle sensitive eldest daughter the other day, I was able to finally convince her to get one and she didn’t feel a thing! She also got over her cold in two days! So if you’re looking to give your immune system a little boost, schedule online or send me a text to see if I can get you in for a quick shot.

The Secret World Of Our Microbiome

Remember the Dr. Seuss book “Horton hears a who” Where an elephant goes a bit nutty after discovering the existence of an entire world living in a spec of dust?  This is how I imagine our microbiome to be, an entire universe of crazy looking Seussian characters co-habitating the spec of dust that is our gut, skin and mouths.  That’s right folks, despite our best 2020 inspired OCD hygiene efforts we are literally crawling with bugs, and it’s fabulous!  Like any civilization our microbiome plays host to thousands of organisms, from average joe’s to attention seeking heroes and villains unwittingly impacting everything from our immune system to our emotional health.  The influence of our micro-bacteria societies are so complex and far reaching that scientists are only scratching the surface of understanding the important role they play in our health.  After decades of focusing our attention on the eradication of bad bacteria we missed the incredibly crucial role good bacteria (which we were accidentally annihilating as well) play in our immune health.

YOu can now learn exactly who is living in your own spec of dust

I’m excited to have teamed up with Microbiome labs to offer an incredibly in-depth Biomfx stool test. These take home tests utilize some of the most advanced and accurate sequencing technologies to give us a complete picture not only of the bacterial characters you’ve got onboard, but of the specific metabolic functions affected by your very own colony.

And you thought you were in control (haha)

Aspects of your health actually critically influenced by your microbiome: 

  • Allergies: Seasonal and food.

  • All aspects of digestive health; crohns, IBS, candida, etc..

  • Cardiovascular health: heart disease, high blood pressure ect..

  • Diabetes: the mirobiome has a direct influence the metabolism of lipids and glucose.

  • Depression: The gut-brain axis via the Vagus nerve shows a direct link with depression and gut dysbiosis.

  • Autoimmune disease : Leaky gut plays a major role in all autoimmune diseases, so whether you’ve got Hashimotos, celiacs, lupus, rheumatiod arthritis, ect..

  • Addiction: Gut bacteria influence neurologic pathways involved in addiction: see this Study.

  • Obesity: Probiotic supplementation was shown to increase weight loss in this study.

  • Cancer: While certain microbes are believed to be linked to cancer risk by modifying DNA, specific probiotics are being used to treat certain types of cancer.

  • Arthritis: Due to inflammation caused by microbial dysbiosis.  

  • Immune system: The key to our immune system lies in the gut health, diverse microbiomes have been linked to healthy immune systems in several studies.

  • Neurodegenerative disease: Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s. Recent studies have shown a high percentage of Parkinson’s patients to have a history of H-pylori, crohns or IBS. The Vagus nerve which connects the digestive system to the brain is thought to carry alpha-synuclein pathology from the ENS directly to the brain where it causes neurodegenerative disease. Check out this study for more info.

It’s a well researched fact that the more abundant and diverse our microbiome, the healthier we are likely to be. The moment we’re born we pick up bacteria from our mother’s birth canal (“that’s disgusting mom!” -my daughter’s response to this fun fact) and continue to diversify our microbiome through breastfeeding as our mother’s milk produces the bacterial antidote to different pathogens that we acquire as infants (see? Your mom really does have super powers).  As we toddle barefoot in the backyard introducing every object we meet to the depths of our mouths, play with pets or eat dirt, we further equip our immune system with beneficial bacteria.  In fact, several studies show that children who grow up in homes with dogs are far less likely to develop respiratory or ear infections than those without. It turns out that man’s best friend is your gut’s best friend too.  In my Master’s program, the biology teacher informed us that children who grow up in homes with three or more pets tend to have healthier immune systems.  I took this advice to an extreme, as we’ve always had two dogs and a cat, plus an endless stream of chickens and foster kittens and puppies.  Our tendency as a culture however is to shelter our babies from germs, keeping them safe from the threat of sickness in the hyper-santized sanitariums of our homes.  This well intended, protective kind of parenting can often backfire however as studies show that children who grow in more sterile environments tend to develop greater environmental sensitivities or allergies.  

The more we sanitize and sterilize our homes the less happy our microbiomes can become, so while your neighbor’s squeaky clean kitchen may make you feel inadequate, just know that you’re likely outshining her in the gut bacteria department.  Our collective endeavor for cleanliness has gone a bit overboard with anti-bacterial everything and the overuse of antibiotics and other medications along with an overall indoor inclined culture.  Our very necessary efforts to thwart the spread of COVID through isolation, sanitization and mask wearing over the last year has likely taken a  bit of a toll on our gut bacteria, but desperate times call for desperate measures and there are several ways for us to keep our good bacteria on board. 

7 tips for supersizing your microbes:

  1. Get a comprehensive look at your microbiome inhabitants with specific supplementation recommendations on how to bring them into balance with a biomfx test at the clinic.

  2. Get a pet (or three), dogs are great because they get you outside and carry a wealth of mostly beneficial bacteria in their slobbery kisses.  Dogs and cats also pick up microbes on their feet and transfer them to your skin when you rub them.  

  3. Choose hand washing over hand sanitizing whenever it’s an option and avoid the antibacterial soap.  Hand washing is always a great idea and won’t kill off those good bugs. 

  4. Eat local and organic.  Local fruits and veggies from the farmers market are packed with pre-biotics from the soil. 

  5. Get pinned:  Acupuncture has been shown in several studies to modify the microbiome by inhibiting bad bacteria while encouraging the growth of good bacteria, resulting in a more efficient metabolism and reduction in depression and anxiety via stimulation of the vagus nerve or gut-brain axis. 

  6. Supplement:  choosing the right digestive enzymes and probiotics can be a hassle, I’m here to help.  When your digestion is on the fritz, chances are you’re unwittingly flushing your vitamins and herbs down the drain, the right digestive aids can remedy all your digestive woes and have you assimilating and reaping the benefits of your pricey supplements.

  7. Ramp up your microbe friendly foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, Kim chi and anything pickled while also increasing pomegranates, dark cocoa, red wine, blueberries and green tea. 

Acupuncture for Arthritis
acupuncture for arthritis

Mountain dwellers are no strangers to arthritis, years of carving powder turns, climbing frozen waterfalls and shoveling out driveways can lead to the pesky and problematic accumulation of cold, dampness and wind in the joints which the Chinese refer to as Bi syndrome.  

Bi syndrome; It’s not just for the elderly anymore

Characterized by painful, stiff and swollen joints, Arthritis can be the result of prolonged cold exposure, scar tissue from old injuries, repetitive motion through work or play, underlying deficiencies, auto-immune issues or yes, the wear and tear of old age.  Whether you’ve been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout or ankylosing spondylitis; your treatment plan will vary according to TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine.) 

Types of Bi Syndromes: 

  • Wind Bi:  Characterized by pain that moves from joint to joint with an overall limitation of movement.  

  • Damp Bi:  Pain and swelling in a fixed location, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and numbness that is worse with cold/damp weather.  

  • Cold Bi:  Aversion to cold, severe pain usually on one side of the body that limits movement.

  • Heat Bi:  Severely painful joints that are hot to the touch, red and swollen. Usually occurs after chronic cases of any of the above types. 

  • Phlegm Bi:  Is actually worse than it sounds (hard to believe with a name like that) this can be the result of any of the above Bi syndromes when left untreated.  Characterized by muscular  atrophy, swelling and deformity of the bones in the joints.  

Chinese Medicine to the rescue

While the steroids, opioids and NSAIDS you get from your doctor can take the edge off the pain, they do nothing to address the root cause of your arthritis woes.  At Durango Acupuncture Clinic, I use a combination of Acupuncture, cupping, Moxibustion heat therapy and Chinese herbs to not only reduce pain and discomfort but resolve the underlying factors that got your joints all up in a knot in the first place.  

5 Arthritis relieving Allstars:

  1. Get Moxa-fied: When it comes to Bi syndrome, Moxibustion is key:  Moxa (a form of herbal heat therapy) has been used for thousands of years to treat arthritis.  Moxa helps to draw cold, dampness and phlegm from the bones, resulting in a significant reduction of pain and occurrence.  

  2. Inject your pain away: Many of my patients have found lasting relief from Homeopathic injections like Traumeel and Zeel which help to reduce inflammation and pain while helping the cartilage to heal.  

  3. De-inflame: I carry a number of anti-inflammatory and pain relieving Chinese herbal formulas, supplements and cbd’s. Magic ingredients to look out for when it comes to arthritis are: turmeric, frankincense, Boswellia, tang-kuei, aconite, cinnamon and myrrh as well and fish oil.

  4. Salve it up: CBD salves and Chinese herbal compresses or linaments can provide lasting topical relief that is easy to control and use as needed. Many of you have already experienced the incredible pain relieving effects of the 2,500 mg cbd salve I carry in the office. Additionally, there are a number of Chinese herb patches that address different types of Bi syndromes; hot patches for cold types and cooling patches for hot types.

  5. Collagen-ate: lubricate those joints by supplementing with a high quality, organic collagen or bone broth, you can find a simple recipe here or ask me for my favorite flavorless collagen powder suggestions.

Additionally, send those achy joints packing by reducing sugar, avoiding nightshade vegetables, losing weight and exercising regularly.

If this week of wintery weather has left your knees, knuckles, elbows, shoulders, low back or neck in the lurch, schedule yourself so we can get you back out on your skis, snowshoes or shovel before the powder melts away!

How Often Should I Get Acupuncture?

I get asked this question quite a lot and, unfortunately, there’s no real universal answer. In the grand scheme of things, our approach to health and wellness here in America is a bit backwards compared to many other parts of the world.

From a fireman’s perspective, we tend to concentrate more on the drama of putting out the flames that are engulfing our living room (or gallbladder) rather than focusing our attention on not playing with matches in the first place. To our credit, we in the Western world have some pretty amazing and inspiring ways of putting out fires when it comes to health. We are fortunate to have incredible life saving medications, surgeries and diagnostics at our fingertips, which are wonderful but can often be relied upon in ways that create a pretty unhealthy approach to health. And I get it, putting out fires is sexy, surgeons don’t spend 8-10 years in school and residencies so that they can tell you to eat more apples and go for a walk, they are in it for the love of the heroics behind the surgery.

In China, at least in the good ol days when Chinese Medicine was the only medicine; you paid your Acupuncturist when you were well. What a novel idea right? Imagine if we paid our physicians for keeping us well, for helping us avoid illness and disease rather than for saving us from the very thing that might have been prevented in the first place. Kind of crazy to wrap your mind around, isn’t it?

We don’t operate that way, most of us have grown into a society that waits until things are broken to fix it, rather than thinking about how we can prevent the break in the first place. I get it, we’re busy, we don’t always have time to eat right, work-out, meditate and visit our Acupuncturist, chiropractor or massage therapist regularly.

In my practice, I do quite a bit of putting out flames, but I always search for the underlying cause, the secret pyro that lit the fire in the first place. While we can often achieve results after one treatment, it usually takes 3-10 treatments to really resolve the issue. Because we are so used to taking a pill to mask our symptoms without ever addressing the underlying root cause, this approach can feel a bit daunting to some. Getting to the root takes time, and the longer you’ve been battling pain or disease, the longer it can take to unearth the underlying catalyst. Fortunately, I’m a pretty impatient Acupncturist, I like to see results and make them stick fast. Over my past 12 years of practice, i’ve discovered that the closer we can cluster those first 3-5 treatments, the more effective and efficient our results will be. Once we get you to a place where you feel human again, we can then stretch the time between treatments farther and farther apart until you are no longer in need of my services. At that point, you can switch to a more preventative approach to healing, by coming seasonally or at the very beginning stage of pain or illness, at the point where we can set you straight with just one or two treatments.

Plantar Fasciitis, it's not just difficult to spell
Acupuncture for Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis 

If you’re an avid runner or hiker,  chances are you’ve experienced some amount of pesky heel pain that just won’t quit.  Durango seems to be home to an unusual amount of foot issues, from Mortons Neuromas to bunions, but by far plantar fasciitis seems to be the foot issue most popular among the cool kids in Durango.  

Why does my heel hurt so much?  

Plantar fasciitis is a result of inflammation or injury of the thick band of fascia that runs along the bottom of your foot from heel to toes, resulting in a build-up of calcium deposits which form painful bony protrusions.   This issue can be a real downer for those who love to run, hike or even walk as it can severely limit your ability to get around.  

How your heel can get its mojo back with Acupuncture…

About 7 years ago, while taking a yoga teacher training in Santa Fe, I discovered the magic of the myofascial trains, (as detailed in my blog post “Where in the world is my myofascial?”) lines of fascia that follow roughly the same course as the meridians all over the body.  The back myofascial line runs from the base of the skull to the heel of the foot and is the holy grail when it comes to treating plantar fasciitis.  

Rarely, if ever is heel pain not also accompanied by some other snag along the back myofascial line such as hip, knee, SI joint or sacrum pain.  That’s because these muscle groups are all held together by the same fascia train which means that by treating trigger points found in the gastrocnemius, glutes and sacrum I can often pin down the culprit of your heel pain woes and get you back on your feet again.  So if the idea of getting a needle in your heel makes you woozy, don’t worry, I often only use Moxibustion (a Chinese Herbal heat therapy) on the sole of the foot and heel to stimulate the points and soften spurs. Moxa feels amazing and works incredibly well when it comes to warming the tendons and ligaments and increasing blood flow to excelerate healing.

“After just one treatment, I felt immediate relief from the heel pain I’d been experiencing for over a year, the pain stayed away for good after a course of 4 treatments and Megan was able to significantly reduce my hip pain as well.” -S.C

5 Heel Healing Tips to make your heel feel healed…

  1. Lose the flats: If you’re walking on a thin strip of leather with zero support, your heels will hate you for it.  Opt for running shoes or slip some insoles in your cute shoes to give your feet a bit of cushion.

  2. Avoid Tiles:  Going barefoot on cold/hard surfaces like tiles can be torture for heels, wear socks to keep them warm.

  3. Soak those puppies:  Slip your feet into a nice hot epsom salt foot bath every night if you can to help break down those calcium deposits.

  4. Roll:  Gently stretch the fascia by rolling the hips, glutes, and calves on a foam roller, then work the sole of the foot with a lacrosse or tennis ball. 

  5. Slather:  Give your calves and heels a good rub throughout the day with the incredibly strong CBD salve I carry at the office or Zeng Gu Shui (a potent Chinese liniment) which I also have in stock. 

Most importantly:

Give it a minute!  Patients often feel so good after their treatments that they go right back to doing the things that got their heels in trouble in the first place.  Long term results require a few weeks of commitment to treatments, self care and most of all; hammock time!

Acupuncture For Trigger Finger
acupuncture for trigger finger

Feeling triggered?  Acupuncture can solve your Trigger Finger

If you’ve ever had your finger get stuck in a bent position and then snap straight you’ve experienced first hand, the annoying and painful condition known as Trigger finger.  

What is Trigger Finger?

When inflammation narrows the space within the sheath that surrounds the tendon of an affected finger it can result in the locking of that finger in a permanent or semi-permanently bent position.  Repetitive gripping actions through work or hobbies are often the culprit and this condition is seen more often in women or those with diabetes.


  • Finger stiffness, especially first thing in the morning

  • Popping or clicking with movement

  • Tenderness or nodules in the palm at the base of the finger

  • Finger catching or locking in bent position

  • Finger locked in bent position and unable to straighten

Western Treatment

Your MD may recommend NSAIDs, splints, steroid injections or surgery.  All of which can further complicate the issue.   

Get Trigger Happy with Acupuncture

Acupuncture works surprisingly well for trigger finger, in fact, I’ve helped dozens of patients reduce or even resolve their issue completely.  By needling points around the affected area we are able to gently release the constriction or stagnation that’s blocking the smooth motion of the tendon.  Additionally, by injecting homeopathic Traumeel into the affected area, we can reduce inflammation and pain while promoting healing.  Moxibustion, a form of herbal heat therapy can be applied to the hand and finger as well to help increase blood flow and warm away arthritis. 

Five steps you can take right now to reduce your trigger finger:

  1. Schedule an Acupuncture treatment

  2. Start taking vitamin B6. B6 Pyridoxine has been shown in studies to significantly reduce trigger finger in many adults, especially those with swollen hands. Take the P-5-P version of B6 to avoid toxicity at 25-50 mgs daily.

  3. Take magnesium: magnesium not only amplifies the effects of B6, but also encourages muscle relaxation and calms the nervous system.

  4. Try some stretches; check out a few here.

  5. Self massage the palm and any nodules along the finger joint.

Tennis Elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
rock climbing tendonitis

In my Durango practice I’ve seen a wide range of carpal tunnel and tendonitis sufferers, from rock climbers to mountain bikers, surgeons, tennis players, florists, pregnant women, ASL translators to dental hygienists.  Basically anyone who uses their hands or arms in a highly focused and repetitive way is at risk for inflammation and arthritis of the tendons and ligaments, resulting in one or both of these issues.   Most of these patients find relief and even resolution with the help of Acupuncture, guasha and traumeel injections. 

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Numbness, tingling, weakness or muscle damage in the hand and fingers are the calling card of this incredibly common syndrome.  Whether you’re swollen from pregnancy or have been hitting the golf balls or climbing walls like it’s your job; your wrist may be paying the price of excessive pressure on the median nerve.  This is the nerve in the wrist that allows feeling and movement to parts of the hand. 

Epicondilitis, it’s not just for Tennis Players anymore

Epicondylitis, otherwise known as Tennis Elbow is an inflammation of the tendon or cord of fibrous tissue that attaches  muscle to bone. This pesky issue is often accompanied by tenosynovitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the tendon sheath. Because tendons tend to have the blood flow of a paper cup, healing can be slow, often resulting in months or even years of down-time as they heal.  But don’t go hucking your golf club in a sand trap yet, because Acupuncture can help you get your swing back faster.

Why Acupuncture is the bomb at treating these issues

 A recent study at Massachusetts General Hospital found that Acupuncture not only reduces pain in CTS but also makes a quantifiable difference in how the brain processes nerve signals compromised by repetitive motion disorders.   This study found that Acupuncture not only reduced pain and numbness but (through functional magnetic resonance imaging taken before and after treatment) researchers were able to find improved nerve impulses in the wrist as well as brain remapping linked to long-term improvement in CTS symptoms.  Check out this study for details:

Acupuncture has a similar effect on Epicondylitis as it’s basically the Alex Honald of tendonitis treatments, which is to say that when it comes to increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation, Acupuncture excels and looks damn sexy while doing it. wink

Traumeel injections and Guasha to the rescue

Beyond Acupuncture, I’ve had a lot of success with treating both of these issues with Traumeel injections.  Traumeel is a homeopathic (all natural) alternative to steroid injections, renowned for its  incredibly anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects. Check out this post on the 14 reasons why I Love trammel.

Guasha; the gentle scraping of the myofascial train of the forearm with the smooth edge of a flat stone or soup spoon is another ancient Chinese technique that can yield profound results when it comes to relieving nerve pressure and inflammation.  This is a go-to for me in the office and can be used as self-care at home as well.  I even know a few climbers who take their guasha tool to the craig as well.  

A Tale of Frequent Urination and Other Pelvic Woes

Have you ever jumped on a trampoline Or sneezed and nearly peed your pants?

If you know what I’m talking about congratulations, you’re likely a member of the very large group of people who suffer from some degree of prolapse, urinary or pelvic issues. While this probably wasn’t the club you dreamed of someday joining, fear not, there are more members than you ever imagined and there’s a solution!

Chances are that if you’ve ever given birth, gone through menopause, aged, gained weight or had any type of prostate issue you’ve experienced a weakening of pelvic floor muscles which can directly correlate to incontinence. I’ve teamed up with the fabulous folks at Durango Cryomedspa to help you nip this potentially embarrassing little problem in the bud for good! All of my patients can receive 50% off any initial service at Cryomedspa. Simply ask me for a coupon at your next appointment!

Get back on the Trampoline with Chinese Medicine…

For over 5,000 years, Chinese Medicine has offered solutions for pelvic and urinary issues. Several studies find Acupuncture to be more effective in significantly reducing urinary issues than pharmaceuticals And kegal exercises combined. Electro-Acupuncture was shown to reduce incontinence by 54% , check out this article to learn more. Acupuncture also shows it’s bossy prowess when it comes to Shrinking prolapses. By Supporting the spleen channel, through points and herbs we are able to tone and lift mildly prolapsed organs into their rightful Place. Over the years, I’ve helped many men and women overcome pelvic challenges and thus spend far less time in the bathroom and more time jumping their hearts out.

Many of the same points used to help with pelvic issues enhance male and female sexual function too. So get your mojo back and schedule your appointment today.

Supersize your Acupuncture Treatments with a little help from my friends…

If you haven’t had a chance to check out Durango Cryomedspa yet, you definitely need to. They’ve got everything from Cryotherapy to hyperbaric oxygen therapy to IV Drips. They’ve also got the niftiest chair I’ve ever seen, and it’s called the emsella.

The Emsella, Pilates for your pelvis.

 The Emsella's high intensity focused electro-magnetic stimulation delivers the equivalent of 11,000 kegel contractions in a short 28 minute session. These supramaximal contractions have been shown to dramatically strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. all this pelvic CrossFit action results in a reduction of incontinence and frequent urination and enhanced sexual function.

All of my patients will receive 50% off their first treatment at Cryomedspa, simply ask for your coupon!

Acupuncture and the Emsella work incredibly well together to put your pelvic woes to rest.

B12 Injections, they’re not just for Vegans anymore...
End fatigue with B12 shots

My initiation into the world of B12 deficiency came at a blood drive in Olympia WA. With visions of altruism dancing in our vegan heads, my college roommates and I attempted to give blood, I say attempt, because of the four of us, only one actually succeeded in donating as the rest of us either passed out or were deemed too anemic to be bothered with. What they received in blood donations was likely negated by our consumption of free cookies and orange juice, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Anyway, This experience highlighted for me the importance of B12, not only for those on a plant-based diet, but for those of us with common digestive or autoimmune issues that can hamper absorption.

Who’s at risk and who can benefit: 

  • Vegans and vegetarians, as meat and dairy are the only sourcesFolks with low stomach acidity, which could be anyone, see my post on Acid Reflux

  • Those with Autoimmune disorders like crohn’s, celiac, thyroid issues, gastritis, diabetes.

  • Those who suffer from anemia and lack of intrinsic factor..

  • Athletes, folks over 40, pregnant or postpartum mothers, or just about anyone who's feeling a little run down.

Symptoms of B12 Deficiency 

  • Weakness and Fatigue: lack of B 12 = lack of red blood cells which leads to inability to efficiently transport oxygen to the body’s cells which leads to fatigue and a lack of stamina.

  • Paleness and Jaundice: B12 deficiencies can lead to megaloblastic anemia which prevents rbc’s from properly circulating.

  • Pins and Needles sensation: Nerve damage is one of the more serious side of deficiency as B12 is essential for myelin production.

  • Lack of balance

  • Mouth sores and ulcers

  • Shortness of breath and dizziness: due to decreased circulation of RBC’s.

  • Disturbed Vision: B12 deficiency can cause nervousness system damage to the optic nerve.

  • Mood swings: Low B12 levels can elevate homeocysteine levels which can damage brain tissue and interfere with signals.

    Why Inject when I can take a pill? 

    Because many B12 deficiencies are due to underlying digestive issues, injections negate your bogged down digestion and deliver vitamins directly to your blood stream. I use a Methylated form of B12 to ensure immediate assimilation and results.

    B12 Add Ons:

  • Wellness shot: when combined with the ani-viral homeopathic Engystol, this magical elixir can act as a cold, flu and virus bashing alternative to the flu shot. Tis the season to boost the immune system!

  • Lipotropic Injections: Help with weight loss by speeding up fat metabolism. A lovely way to Enhance and compliment your diet and exercise plan.

Learn More and schedule your shot today!