Posts tagged chronic pain
CBD, Acupuncture and the Endocannabinoid system
Medicinal Cannabis

Forget every misconception you’ve ever had about Cannabis, forget the preconceived notion that Medical Marijuana is simply an excuse for people to get high without being hassled. Leave your stereotypes of bong rips and the Grateful Dead at the door because the Cannabis that we are about to dive into has nothing to do with the munchies or macrame and everything to do with cutting edge pharmacology. Scientific and clinical studies increasingly show exciting new potential for this incredible and ancient medicine and its significant benefits for those who suffer with severe neurological disease, auto-immune issues and chronic pain. The Cannabis discussed here can have profound and life changing implications in the treatment of your Mother’s Parkinson’s, your brother’s anxiety and your son’s autism. It can hold the key to getting off those dangerous opioids for your back pain and offer serious relief for your friend’s arthritis.

The medical benefits of Cannabis are already profound despite the recent discovery of phytocannabinoids that its difficult to capture them all in one blog post, therefore, bear with the length of this post and stand by for future articles on specific health benefits. For now, let us begin with the endocannabinoid system.


You’ve heard of the nervous, vascular, and lymphatic systems of the body, but have you ever heard of the endocannabinoid system?  The Endocannabinoid system was only recently discovered by scientists in Israel in 1982 and has been found to play a vital role in maintaining a state of homeostasis.  It basically acts as a thermostat for most of the body’s other systems, including immune, nervous, endorphin and vanilloid systems (controlling pain receptors), and works to keep them in balance, much like Acupuncture.  This video does a great job of explaining it.

So where do the CBD’s come in?

Over the centuries, THC; the one psycho-active component of cannabis has received all of the attention for its mind altering high.  However, scientists have only just discovered the over-looked and incredibly powerful phytocannabinoid; CBD. CBD works by indirectly stimulating the endocannabinoid system and by binding with receptors in the brain like serotonin which directly influence depression, gene expression, anti-cancer and osteoprotective effects.  CBD’s act as self regulatory adaptogens, helping to bring the body into harmony. There are at least 111 different phytocannabinoids that we know of in Cannabis yet we’ve only discovered 10% of their pharmacological effects.

what pharmacological effects DO we know of?

So far, clinical and laboratory tests show CBD’s to have the following benefits:

Anti-cancer, anti-proliferative, anti-emetic (nausea and vomiting), anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-psoriatic, anti-diahreal, analgesic, bone stimulant, immunosuppresive, anti-ishemic, anti-spasmodic, vasorelaxant, neuroprotective, anti-epileptic, anti-tumor, anti-psychotic, axiolytic and that it turns white fat into brown fat.  

Other phytocannabinoids found in the plant have the additional effects of; appetite suppression, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, analgesic, all while increasing a state of well being, euphoria and pleasure.  

How Can CBD’s benefit me?

Here’s the short list of possible health issues that may be helped by Medicinal Cannabis:

ADHD, Addiction, ALS, ALzheimers, MRSA and Staph infections, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, autism, autoimmune disorders, cancer, concussions and traumatic brain injuries, depression, diabetes, eating disorders, IBS, migraine, MS, nausea, neurodegenerative diseases; Parkinson's, Huntingtons, pain, PTSD, schitzophrenia, seizures, skin conditions; psoriasis, acne, dermatitis,stress,  insomnia and sleep apnea.

Where does Acupuncture come in?

Like Cannabis, Acupuncture is found to also have a direct effect on the endocannabinoid system and has been used for thousands of years to induce and maintain a state of homeostasis and balance.  In fact, Cannabis was once cited as an empirical herb in Chinese Medicine prior to it’s prohibition. Acupuncture and CBD’s compliment each other by enhancing and amplifying each other’s effectiveness.  

Hemp CBD’s

While CBD’s work best with at least a trace amount of THC (which acts like a key to unlocking cannabinoid receptors), as little as 0.3% or less can often do the trick, which makes hemp CBD’s so appealing.  You see, Hemp contains so little THC that it has zero psychotropic effect (it will not get you high), but just enough to help the beneficial plant compounds like CBD get to their desired receptors in the brain. This means that you can travel with Hemp products and take them without fear of suddenly getting the munchies or spending an hour examining your hand while contemplating every poor choice you’ve made in life.

How can I integrate CBD’s into my health plan?

Finding the right dosage, delivery system, strain and  ratio of phytocannabinoids can be incredibly complicated, though there have been no cases of overdoses with Cannabis, too little or too much of this potent medicine can result in diminished or sub-optimal effect.  Add to that the fact that the recent popularity of CBD’s has resulted in flooding of the market with some seriously inferior companies. Because hemp has been used solely for agricultural purposes for centuries, there are a number of producers who source their hemp from inferior agricultural strains which are very low in the potent phytocannabinoids necessary for medicinal purposes.  Additionally, there are several producers who source their hemp from farms which use pesticides.

Fear not, I’ve got your endocannabinoid’s back!

Durango Acupuncture Clinic is proud to offer a wide array of heavily vetted, vigorously tested organic and pure Hemp based CBD products.  I’ve undergone some serious research to find the most potent medicinal Hemp strains and easily assimilated delivery systems for this incredible medicine and am happy to help you find the right dosage and strength for your particular health challenge.  You can simply ask for suggestions at your next appointment or schedule a CBD consultation with me online. Should you require a stronger THC ratio, I can help to steer you toward specific strains and delivery systems at local dispensaries as well.  

Therapeutic Injections, A Painless Way To Get There Faster

Injections, painless? You’re kidding, right?

It’s no wonder so many of us share a deep seated fear of needles, have you ever accompanied a child to a vaccination appointment?  I nearly fell out of my chair when I watched the nurse violently jab my daughter with a giant needle for the first time. I get it that kids are fidgety little creatures and that attempting to inject them with a full dose of anything is akin to giving your cat a bath on the impossible scale, but geez!  

Despite experiences, injections don’t have to hurt.

There is no jabbing at Durango Acupuncture Clinic, I use the tiniest needles I can get my hands on so that I can deliver an injection that is as smooth, slow and gentle as possible.  In fact, the most common comment I get after delivering a Traumeel injection is “was that it?” I’ve treated enough nurses to learn that they lovingly nickname the room where they give steroid injections, “the pain room”, i’m happy to say that there are absolutely no such rooms at this Clinic.  

How Therapeutic Injections can get you there faster

Injections skip the cumbersome and slow digestive process and deliver supplements more directly to the bloodstream where its benefits can have an intensified and more immediate effect.  Intramuscular injections are absorbed as much as 90% better than vitamins and minerals taken orally. Which is why I’m excited to offer an array of therapeutic injections in my practice.

A little something for everyone:

  • Acute Pain: Homeopathic Traumeel, which is excellent for more acute muscle sprains and strains as well as sports injuries and as an alternative to cortisol injections.

  • Chronic Pain: Homeopathic Zeel, spascupreel and neuralgo-rheum are perfect for arthritis, muscle spasms or nerve pain.

  • Immune System: Homeopathic Engystol combined with b-vitamins are your natural answer to the flu shot.

  • Fatigue: B12 as Methylcobalamin is the most easily assimilated form of B12 and is more effective when delivered intramuscularly than sublingually.

  • Weight Loss: Lipostat, A unique blend of vitamins designed to help your liver break down and digest fats to enhance your diet and exercise efforts.

Sciatica and Low back pain
Sciatica and low back pain in Durango


Sciatica, it’s more than just a pain in the butt in Durango and Acupuncture can help.

While it’s physical manifestations may be confined to the buttocks or leg on one side, Sciatica, piriformis syndrome and herniated disks can create some serious limitations when it comes to doing the activities you love.  When an injury or condition keeps you off your bike, out of the gym, away from your yoga, running or hiking practice, the emotional pain of vulnerability and depression can be far worse than the original issue. Here are some of the common complaints I hear from my sciatic patients at Durango Acupuncture Clinic.

  1. Pain in the butt that is worse with sitting, hello desk job!

  2. Numbness or burning pain that radiates down the leg.

  3. Pain worsened by exercise, and generally everything fun.


Structural impingement or compression of the sciatic nerve, which runs through the buttocks and branches down the leg to the calf and toes is the underlying culprit.  While those with ultra tight hamstrings and back myofascial lines like couch potato’s, desk jockeys, car commuters and gym junkies compose the majority of the afflicted, yoginis aren’t in the clear either.  Hyperflexibility is often a liability when it comes to the health of your joints, fascia and tendons, landing a number of cirque de soleil style yogis in my office with butt pain in Durango.

Why Acupuncture is the bomb when it comes to pain relief

It stimulates the nervous system which then tells the brain to:

  1. Increase blood flow to the area of pain.

  2. Reduce inflammation and reduce muscle contraction.

  3. Release a cascade of your body's natural painkillers like endorphins, serotonin and enkephalins.  Say goodbye to that pain in the tush!

How your MD treats Sciatica: Surgery, steroid injections, pain medications, hot and cold therapy and a surprising number of especially cool Doctors and PA’s are also referring their patients to Acupuncturists as well. :)

How I treat sciatica:  After a thorough intake where I gather as much information about you, your symptoms, and their physical and emotional impact on your life, I’ll check your pulse and tongue and begin to make a  Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis.

You’ll be invited to undress and slip under the warmed flannel sheets and blankets of my treatment table.  Using oil massage techniques, I’ll begin to examine your back, detecting adhesions and trigger points along the length of the back and glutes.  Once I find these active points, tiny needles are painlessly inserted. While your needles do their thing, you’ll be coaxed into deep relaxation through a short guided meditation after which you’ll be left for a few minutes of nap time with soothing music in the background.

These treatments also involve one or more adjunct therapies, including cupping, essential oils, moxibusition (heat therapy), myofascial release techniques, e-stim, guasha ( a deep tissue form of body work) or homeopathic traumeel injections.  Traumeel injections are an effective, safe, natural and practically painless alternative to steroid injections and can be added to your treatment for a small additional fee.

Your treatment will likely conclude with a brief and minimal front  treatment where distal points are used to increase circulation, blood flow and your body’s ability to heal itself.  Prepare to be nurtured, and to leave feeling incredibly relaxed!

Typical treatment plan

I like to get you back on your bike, hiking trails or couch as quickly as possible.  Often this requires twice weekly treatments for the first week or two. In this way, we’re able to ride the wave of progress we create together.  Notice that I say we, because you’ll be expected to take an active role in your healing, I may recommend specific therapeutic yoga poses, exercises, supplements, foods or rest to ensure that you get the most efficient and dramatic results possible.  Most patients experience significant results in these first few weeks and then gradually reduce their visits until they no longer need help or just come in occasionally for maintenance.