Hashimotos Thyroiditis
Why it’s important to solve this little canary in the coal mine with more than a pill from the pharmacy.
There are times, it seems, that you can’t go on a raft trip in Durango without half of the women on your trip having Hashimotos. No seriously, our raft trip of 26 people last summer included 5 women with hashi’s and that number was low because most of the folks on the trip were either under 12 or male. Had we organized a trip of 26 women aged 30-50 our thyroiditis numbers would have been astronomical. I say we because I’m a member of the unofficial Durango Hashimotos club as well. Before we dive into the how’s and what’s of this issue, I’ll take a moment to introduce you to:
The long and wildly pathetic list of hashimotos symptoms: These are merely the ones I see most often at Durango Acupuncture Clinic, for a more complete list of woes click here: https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/symptoms/
Joint Pain Hair Loss Brain Fog
extreme fatigue Dry skin Insomnia
Depression Cold hands and feet PMS
Anxiety Weight Gain Constipation
Mood Swings Constipation Infertility
Just to name a few…
Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease which is usually born from the hot and steamy love triangle of leaky gut (digestive and dietary issues), major hormonal shifts (think pregnancy and menopause) and adrenal fatigue (stress in a nutshell). These immune, adrenal and hormonal stressors trigger thyroid antibodies to go all Rambo and attack your thyroid (among other organs), resulting in the lovely list of symptoms above as a result of low Thyroid stimulating hormone. Genetics can also play a big role into our susceptibility. In my family, we share autoimmune disease like some families pass on good china or silver, it’s truly the gift that keeps on giving!
And why can’t we just pop a pill and forget about it?
You can just pop pills, but...While pharmaceuticals can provide symptomatic relief and prevent further destruction of your thyroid, they fail to solve the autoimmune issue that got you on the hashimotos bus in the first place. Relying on medication alone is kind of like hiding in the bathtub while your house is on fire, sure, you’re feeling swell now, but give it a minute (or years) and things are going to get pretty uncomfortable. When the root is left untreated, those symptoms that originally disappeared with medication, can begin to slowly pop up again, along with a host of new and exotic autoimmune issues involving other organs and systems. Fun!
So What’s a girl to do?
Chill the heck out! Stress and adrenal taxation are recipes for autoimmune issues (among most other diseases). Delegate, meditate, practice yoga (my class is at 4:30 on Tuesday’s, just say’in), play with your kids, let the laundry pile up, soak in a hot spring, ride your bike (shut the Strava off), laugh, walk your dog, take a moment to be present.
Heal your gut. Ditch the bread to start, (I know, I know, you hate me already but...) gluten has been shown in studies to have the effect of canned spinach on your Popeyed antibodies, enhancing their thyroid bashing abilities. Seal your gut lining with collagen rich bone broth or bone broth powders. Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi or kombucha to help repopulate the gut with good bacteria.
Get regular Acupuncture: Acupuncture is clinically proven to calm your central nervous system, lower cortisol levels and reduce stress. Goodbye Adrenal taxation! It’s also a wonderful way to balance hormones, address digestive and immune issues, increase energy and the body's ability to heal itself.
At Durango Acupuncture Clinic, I see you as more than your long and sorry list of thyroid symptoms, I see you as the beautiful stressed out and under appreciated superwoman that you are! You’ll be encouraged to commit to self care, given some serious nurturing, dietary tips and recipes, lifestyle and supplement suggestions, Chinese herbs and someone who has experienced all that you’re going through to really listen to you.
Bring your Hashimoto's under control or even remission! Regain your energy, vitality and balanced emotions, and Kiss that long and sorry list of symptoms goodbye. Schedule now: 970-442-0284 or click the schedule button on this page. Let’s set this canary free!